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Título : Cardiocirculatory Assistance and Total Artificial Heart.
Otros títulos : Historical Review.
Autor : Cervino, Claudio O.
Bracco, Daniel
Palabras clave : Cardiocirculatory Assistance - Total Artificial Heart – Liotta, D. - Historical review
Fecha de publicación : Sep-2009
Editorial : Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología - Universidad de Morón
Citación : Cervino, C.O. & Bracco, D. 2009 (September). Cardiocirculatory Assistance and Total Artificial Heart. Historical Review. UM-Thesaurus IV (21), 1-5.
Resumen : * Domingo Liotta, Michael DeBakey, Denton Cooley, Stanley Crawford created Cardiocirculatory Assistance - Left Ventricular Assist Systems - at Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA (1962) and began its clinical application. * Domingo Liotta and Denton Cooley developed the prosthesis for clinical use for total heart replacement in an orthotopic position at Baylor University College of Medicine and the Texas Heart Institute and began its clinical application (1969). * Domingo Liotta began the development of Cardiocirculatory Assistance in Argentina (1971 and continues). * Today, on the horizon of cardiocirculatory assistance and the total artificial heart, new possibilities are glimpsed for the treatment of advanced heart failure. Heart transplantation is not a solution to the true epidemic of patients with severe heart failure, basically due to the numerical lack of donors and the progressive increase in the disease as observed in medical practice.
Descripción : Publicación del Tesauro Internacional de la Universidad de Morón de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología: la edición digital del UM-Tesauro está dedicada a la Ciencia y las Humanidades con textos completos redactados en Inglés (Edición Internacional) y en Castellano (Edición Regional – Latinoamérica). Este Tesauro llega bimestralmente a más de 35.000 casillas de correo electrónico, repartidas por todo el mundo.
URI : https://repositorio.unimoron.edu.ar/handle/10.34073/410
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