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dc.contributor.authorLiotta, Domingo-
dc.identifier.citationLiotta. D. 2015 (February). Supporting Cardiac Function with Mechanical Devices. UM-Thesaurus IX (54), 1-3.es_AR
dc.descriptionPublication of the International Thesaurus of the University of Morón of the Secretariat of Science and Technology (2005-2015): the digital edition of the UM-Thesaurus was dedicated to Science and the Humanities with complete texts written in English (International Edition) and in Spanish (Regional Edition – Latin America). This Thesaurus reached thousands of email boxes every two months, spread all over the world.es_AR
dc.description.abstractPart I - Assisted Circulation (LVASs) in Medical Practice - 50 years later. Historical Review. Part II - LVASs, the Novel III. Left axillary artery-left atrial bypass. Review. Part III - LVASs (Left Ventricular Assist Devices) applied over maximally stretched myocardial fibers. The first publication on LVASs in Medicine Pathophysiology of Cardiocirculatory Mechanical Assistance. First Publication in Medicine on Cardiocirculatory Assistance (LVASs), 1962.es_AR
dc.publisherSecretariat of Science and Technology - University of Morónes_AR
dc.subjectMechanical Cardiocirculatory Assistance - Total Artificial Heart – LVAS Novel III -es_AR
dc.titleSupporting Cardiac Function with Mechanical Deviceses_AR
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