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dc.contributor.authorLiotta, Domingo-
dc.identifier.citationLiotta. D. 2010 (September). Reflections on the Revolution at Baylor College of Medicine in the 60s. Foundations of Cardiovascular Science and Research. UM-Thesaurus V (26), 1-5.es_AR
dc.descriptionPublicación del Tesauro Internacional de la Universidad de Morón de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología: la edición digital del UM-Tesauro está dedicada a la Ciencia y las Humanidades con textos completos redactados en Inglés (Edición Internacional) y en Castellano (Edición Regional – Latinoamérica). Este Tesauro llega bimestralmente a más de 35.000 casillas de correo electrónico, repartidas por todo el mundo.es_AR
dc.description.abstractIn the 1960s, Dr. DeBakey, Dr. Cooley, Dr. Crawford and Dr. Liotta planted the seed of Assisted Circulation and the Artificial Heart at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and thus began a fascinating journey. The most important findings of these fundamental studies developed at Baylor were the demonstration that permanent functional recovery from myocardial failure is possible through prolonged unloading of the left ventricular chamber, with the implantation of an artificial ventricle.es_AR
dc.publisherSecretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología - Universidad de Morónes_AR
dc.subjectCardiocirculatory Assistance - Total Artificial Heart – Domingo S. Liotta - Michael E. DeBakey - Denton A. Cooley - E. Stanley Crawfordes_AR
dc.titleReflections on the Revolution at Baylor College of Medicine in the 60s. Foundations of Cardiovascular Science and Research.es_AR
dc.title.alternativeArtificers of Assisted Circulation and Total Artificial Heart: Domingo S. Liotta, Michael E. DeBakey, Denton A. Cooley and E. Stanley Crawfordes_AR
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